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Lake Kolsai + lake. Kayyndy + Black Canyon.

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Place of dispatch: Baitursynova 100, between Abaya and Satpayev Streets, opposite the ASTANA Hotel.

Trip plan:

06:00 boarding
06:30 departure, travel information story
11:30  Arrival at the first Kolsai lake, free time
14:30  Departure to the lower parking lot of Kayyndy Lake by UAZ/ PAZ car (there is no air conditioning in them)
15:30  Arrival, hike to Kayyndy (2 km one way)
16:00  Free time
17:50  Departure from Kainda
18:30  Departure towards Almaty
20:00  Visit to the observation deck of the Black Canyon
23:00 return to the city

The time is indicated approximately and may change depending on the physical. preparation and punctuality of the group, as well as in unforeseen circumstances! 

The price includes
Transport service
Guide-instructor services
Ecological fees of the Kolsai National Park
Ascent/descent to the lower parking lot of Kaindy Lake on UAZ/GROOVES
Necessary things:
Identification card
Weather-appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes, raincoat (just in case)
Masks and antiseptic, medicines you need
Snack and water
Cash for an additional. expenses (shop, horseback riding, etc.).
Refund policy: 48 hours before the start of the tour