Расписание кинотеатров актау
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Attention! After buying a ticket, you need to call the travel agency to book a seat on the bus.

Place of dispatch:
100 Baitursynova str., between Abaya Ave. and ul.Satpayeva (opposite the Astana hotel)

The time is indicated approximately and may change depending on the physical. preparation and punctuality of the group, as well as in unforeseen circumstances! 

It is mandatory to have the original passport/identity card with you.

Age limit: 16+, up to 16 with parents 

The price of the tour includes:
• Transport service
•Guide-instructor services
 •Environmental fees of the National Park

Necessary things:
Warm clothes for the evening, replacement shoes, raincoat, original ID/passport, lunch for the first day.

Clothes and shoes should be comfortable.Masks and antiseptic, medicines you need, cash for an additional. expenses.

(warm clothes, cap, umbrella, snack, water, documents)

Form of clothing: Sports, comfortable shoes and clothing (sports/trekking shoes, etc.).

Refund policy: 72 hours before the start of the tour